Clue…clue.. clue. What should I do? Where should I start? Wow! Seeking for the answer minds my mind with this! But bet I should able to do with this which I am used too!
Mind is the precious asset God has given us! Well, some treat like it doesn’t matter but perhaps some don’t understand the conscious and subconscious peripheral of it?
Strategic thinking makes sense in every action the brain takes. All is in our mind. Renewing of it takes a several mind and heart activity. Changing our mindset takes patience and courage. It’s better to say I will try my best than say I can’t do it. Well, I learned to be discipline on settling mind on something that makes more relevance to the purpose of my existence. God never fails us if we trust! Better His wisdom than our knowledge.. Wheeew! Really the reality and I chuckles because sometime I got this CRAZY mind!
Succumbed with all my wants! Never prevails then… So as, I want to do this but it’s not the priority? I need to make this but the resources is lacking. I want to get involved with something but I lack time. I want to do this but it’s not yet the perfect timing. I want to go out but I need to be in. I want to take vacation but need to work for money. I want to study but there’s no enough time. I want to win friends but I find it hard to understand with people… I don’t want to really try… I want to and I want to.. All I want is I just want…
Ending with want and never taking in action is the most frustration you’ll have! So DISCIPLINE! Consider successful ones who are currently raking in the highest area of achievement and success.
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